
What is NWLF?

The idea for the National Week for Life and the Family (NWLF) came out of a 2011 meeting of the Canadian Bishops where the “Pastoral initiative for Life and Family” was developed. For several decades the family unit has been and continues to be attacked.  We live in a world very different from our grand parents.  We live in a culture in which individualism, subjectivism, materialism, hedonism, utilitarianism secularism and relativism prevail.  The Family is in dire in need of God’s words of hope and love, today.  NWLF was developed to focus for at least one week a year specifically on some of the issues facing todays families.

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Why was NWLF set in May?

In 1993 the UN resolution declared May 15 the international Day of the Family.  The Canadian Bishops incorporated this date into the Week dedicated to Life and Family.


How is NWLF organized in Manitoba?

In Manitoba NWLF is a tri-Diocesan project.  The Dioceses of St. Boniface, Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Archeparcy join together and initiate specific projects and encourage participation by all the individual parishes.  Members from all the three diocese meet to share ideas and expertise for a common goal.