NWLF in Manitoba

In Manitoba, a Tri-diocesan Committee was formed to implement NWLF initiatives on a local level.  Its members are comprised from individuals from the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, the Archdiocese of St. Boniface and the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Winnipeg.

Most of the committee members at a january 2019 meeting

Most of the committee members at a january 2019 meeting

current members of the tri-diocesan committee

Archbishop Richard Gagnon
Archbishop Albert LeGatt
Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak
Father Richard Arsenault
Father Michael Kwiatkowski
Lloyd and Laverne Hudson
Nadine Fetherston
Joan Armstrong
Tim Scatliff
Romeo and Loyda De Luna
Sophie Manulak
Yssa Licsi
Veronica Diestro
Daniel Bahuaud
Janelle Lafantaisie
Janet Brunger
John Acosta
Patti Fitzmaurice (Facilitator)


“The family is often promoted as important, and even essential, to the happiness of every individual. Even Hollywood has promoted the theme of the importance of family over the last number of years. Oddly enough, however, in spite of a this seemingly positive pro-family media, on the social front ‘family’ is taking a merciless beating in our day. Children are seen as a burden that should be avoided except for a maybe one or two symbolic children. They should be limited by birth control or abortion (now even full-birth-abortions!), grandparents and unhealthy members should be terminated for everyone’s peace of mind. Divorce is a given. Marriage, perhaps, is not the choice for intelligent people. Any effort that promotes – even with limited success – the healthy image of a vibrant Catholic family is worth every effort.”

— Father Michael Kwiatkowski


Anything against life is against Christ.

“The Lord Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14: 6). Anything against life is against Christ. The sanctity of life stems from the fact that God is life. Family is important. It is the smallest unit of the Church, and the foundation of our society.

— Francisco Lucas

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Be involved with us!
It’s worth every effort.

“We have a Federal election in 2019 that could determine how much further Canada slips or slides into radical secularism. Our free speech is under attack and discussions on Christian values are met with an increasing degree of intolerance. Our conscience rights, especially in health care and education, are at risk.”

— Tim Scatliff

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These issues have a great impact on the community.

“As the Interim Executive Director of Life’s Vision Manitoba, it’s very important for me to be involved with as many life-affirming initiatives as possible. As someone who is disabled, it is important for me to address both the abortion and euthanasia issues. These are issues that have a greater impact on the disabled community than on the average person.”

— Cam MacDonald

Offer Christ your heart in meditation and personal prayer which is the foundation of the spiritual life.
— St. John Paul II