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This program seeks to:
Empower and educate parishioners by addressing questions surrounding palliative care, dying, death, suffering, accompaniment, and bereavement in a holistic fashion.
Present high-quality content that explores how palliative care is understood from a perspective of Catholic moral and pastoral theology, medical expertise and the Compassionate Community model.
Facilitate meaningful conversations together so that our parishes and families become Compassionate Communities, grounded in the mercy and tenderness of the living Christ. 5 As Catholics, our faith in Jesus Christ has much to teach us about living and dying well. Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Catholic Parishes on Palliative Care is designed to help each of us – caregivers, the sick and dying and family members – to find support and concrete assistance.
Who Developed this resource?
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) formed a Joint Ad hoc Committee on Palliative Care with a variety of partners and experts to address the increasing complexities regarding end-of-life issues in Canada. The Committee members included representatives from Pallium Canada, Dominican University College, Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute, Catholic Health Alliance of Canada, Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph in Canada.
For whom is this program designed?
Those seeking to learn more about palliative care and Catholic Church teaching on end-of-life;
Persons who have recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness;
Family members who need resources and guidance as they journey with a loved one who is seriously or terminally ill; and
Parishioners and pastoral care teams who want to form a Compassionate Community program.