What We Do
The Manitoba Catholic Life and Family (MCLF) tri-diocesan committee promotes several events, supports parishes and actively works to enrich faith and community. Every year the committee focuses on a new topic and theme that is pertinent to the Church and families today. We seek to offer events, activities and initiatives that promote the strengthening of marriages, families, and the unity of the church community. We recognize the challenges that families face in our world today, especially with regards to the unborn, children and the elderly.
We are inspired to meet the needs of parishioners.
“I feel it’s important to belong to the MCLF committee because we are inspired to meet the needs of parishioners and also work to positively impact society by both challenging the status quo and actively journeying alongside families, the pre-born, and the elderly.”
— Nadine Fetherston
We need to be strong witness of the Faith.
“Our families today are leading very busy lives. So much so that they don’t always take or have the time to reflect on what our Catholic Church teaches regarding the sacredness of life, family life issues regarding abortion, cohabitation, pornography, end of life decision, among other things.”
— Marilyn Krochak
We need to be able to have respectful discussions.
“I am very motivated by the attacks on the family in our nation, especially when it comes to abortion, pornography, the scandalization of our children by the media, and the education and ‘health-care’ systems. We need to reach our Catholic families to ensure they are equipped and willing to respectfully discuss these issues with friends and neighbours.”
— Tim Scatliff
“Prayer by the family, prayer for the family, and prayer with the family. In and through prayer, man comes to discover in a very simple and yet profound way his own unique subjectivity: in prayer the human ‘I’ more easily perceives the depth of what it means to be a person. This is also true of the family.”