Sacrificing Comfort for Truth
/by Cameron MacDonald
96 % of 1200 biologists surveyed acknowledge that life begins at conception.
We are living in a very confused culture these days, one that sacrifices the truth in favour of comfort and long-lasting legacies in favour of instant, self-serving gratification. I feel that this fact is personified by how our society views the opportunity to have and raise children.
As someone who has dedicated the past four years of my young life to humanizing children during their time in the womb, I can tell you definitively that we are sacrificing truth for perceived comfort. A great example of this is a recent study from the University of Chicago. In this study, over 1200 biologists were asked the question of when life begins. The survey was answered almost as you would expect, with 96% of those surveyed acknowledging that life begins at the moment of conception. However, despite this fact, approximately 80% of those surveyed considered themselves “pro-choice” as it related to mothers being able to end the innocent human lives, lives that depend on their mother to survive. Acknowledging the truth of humanity that present in the youngest and most vulnerable humans. Yet a disregard of this fact in an attempt to serve the perceived self-interest of those who are meant to care for the child.
Children are our future, the life blood of our society. As Christians we are told that we have to have faith, as little children have faith. We are called to bring our children to Jesus, and we are told that we must be born again. In many respects, we are all children in the process of sanctification.
Whether we are children physically or spiritually, we are dependent on others to care for us, teach us and guide us in our journey of sanctification.
Whether they are children physically or spiritually. I encourage you to sacrifice selfish things and invest in others who are young in the faith. We were all adopted into God’s family and we need to adopt and care for others in order to change our culture.
Abortion is seen as the ultimate act of selfishness by those involved, but we must ask ourselves about how one ends up in that situation and what we can do to help less people end up in that situation? We can’t control the behavior of others, so that means that we need to be invested in the well-being of our family, church and society.
I personally need to ask myself, what self-serving activities I need to put aside in order to have a greater impact on the lives of others and I hope you will do the same!